Thursday, March 31, 2011

What in the world is going on?

News reports of uprisings in Middle East and North African countries, the earthquake off the coast of Japan and the resulting tsunami and devastation of that Asian country, the ensuing nuclear disaster that as of this writing has yet to be contained; along with our own economic woes in the United States or for that matter, the global economy, cause me to ask routinely “What in the world is going on?” There is so much disaster, hardship, tension, difficulty, and this overwhelming uncertainty happening in our world today. Worldwide there seems to be a leadership vacuum and the world seems to be clamoring for someone to take charge. All of this chaos simply adds to the stress of life we experience in our work places, and in our families. If we’re not careful all of these events can bring about much anxiety and worry about tomorrow.

Well for believers, we need to remember that this world is not our home, we’re pilgrims on a journey of faith that will ultimately lead us home with Jesus. Jesus had something to say about the kind of world situation we live in. He wanted to prepare His disciples for the day when the foundations would be crumbling and the Holy Spirit inspired one of them, Matthew, to record what Jesus said in Matthew 24. Space will not permit me to explain this whole chapter here but I want to point out verse 6: “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” He went on to explain that there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places and that all this is simply the beginning of sorrows before the tribulation time. As I look at current events around the globe, I believe we are living in the last days. This passage also warns us to not be deceived by false prophets. Earlier today while driving, I saw a guy driving a van that had written all over it that judgment day is coming May 21, 2011. I’m not sure where he got his information and while I’m no prophet, I doubt this is true because Jesus said in vs. 36 of the same chapter “But of the day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”  

Yes there is much to be concerned about and I agree that we need to be paying attention, but we need not live in fear and dread today, tomorrow or of any day in the future. We should see all this uncertainty as an opportunity God is handing to His bride the church to be diligent to be laboring for His kingdom. People are hungry for the truth and they are hungry for assurance that everything is “going to be alright.” That kind of assurance is only possible through faith in Jesus Christ. We’re headed into the Easter Season and all the activities planned during Holy Week.  Let me encourage you to pick up several invite cards that are by all the exits, use that card to invite your lost friends and loved ones to the Easter Musical, Good Friday Service, Pancake Breakfast & Easter Egg hunt or to our Easter Worship services. People still respond to personal invitations and we can see God move in a great way in these days if we’ll do the work needed to prepare for a harvest. As we’re working through our Sunday morning study of Ezekiel, I’m certain God’s message about the need of repentance & His desire to save is as true for us today as it was 2500 years ago.  

I’d also remind you once again “we never get a second chance to make a first impression” so be conscious of guests and be intentional about reaching out to them to introduce yourself. Don’t worry if they tell you they’ve been attending, they’ll be glad someone took interest in them.  Include them with your Bible Study class of offer to take them to a class suitable for them. We need to remember we were all new to something along the journey and what a difference it made if people helped us. I look forward to seeing a mighty movement of God because He is ready willing and able to transform people’s lives. We’re aiming at “Encountering God, Experiencing Life Change.” We want to connect people to God and ourselves in genuine relationships, we want to help people grow in their faith, we want people to learn how to serve the Lord and finally we all need to renew our spirits in corporate worship. Let’s ask God in advance of Easter for a great harvest.

On a personal note, thanks for all the prayers and your encouragement for our daughters who’ve now both delivered their babies safely. John Thomas Miller was born to Rachel & Thomas Miller on February 28th. On March 28th, Landon Michael Deason was born to Ginny and Stephen Deason. We’re so grateful to God for His gracious provision for our family with these two boys and their births without complication. As I look at my two grandsons, I wonder what kind of world they will grow up in. As a human granddad, I’m prone to worry but I know that God is in control; that He has work for us to do and for sure, He knows “what in the world is going on” from my little corner of the world to yours…

Ralph Green

Senior Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A little spring cleaning...

Spring is coming rapidly to us in Maryland and I am looking forward to this time of year as Resurrection Sunday is just around the corner. It is one of the two times each year where we have a wonderful opportunity to reach un-churched people who will come to church if they are invited. Knowing we have guests coming and we don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, our trustees have scheduled a work day here at Calvary on Saturday morning April 2 from 8:00 a.m. to noon. We need to do a lot of work on our grounds with mulching and picking up limbs and debris from the ravages of winter. They have a number of projects they’d like to complete but in order to do that, we need lots of help. Exodus 36:1 says “And Bezalel and Aholiab, and every gifted artisan in whom the Lord has put wisdom and understanding, to know how to do all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary, shall do according to all that the Lord has commanded.” God has gifted this church family and put into you wisdom and understanding to know how to do all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary, and we need you to put your “sweet skills” to work Saturday April 2nd. I’m sure there will be coffee and donuts and probably some more food later in the day. It will be a great day to hang out with your brothers and sisters in Christ while working on God’s property. If the heavens open and the deluge comes, April 9th is the rain date because much of our work is outside. Yard tools are helpful if you want to bring your own to share with other willing hands so let’s make it a great day to spiffy up our buildings and grounds.

Also, as you are cleaning out your house and you uncover items you were going to haul to Goodwill or sell in a garage sale, one of our young adult Bible Study classes wants to do a mission project with a “reverse garage sale” where they will collect your items that still have life and use left, and distribute them to places like Alpha’s Glory Crisis pregnancy center and others who have need. While we’re not interested in broken junk and trash, the landfill still is. Collection for this will be happening after we celebrate Easter so be watching for more information on that. Mark your calendars now for this important work day here at Calvary. Time for me to get to cleaning, from my little corner of the world to yours…

Ralph Green

Senior Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Pastor's Personal Devotions...

In church life we often hear about the need to read and study the Bible personally. We call it “walking with God”, or having our personal devotions, having a quiet time or something else. Maybe you’ve tried the “read through the Bible in a year” plan and here we are in March and “the plan” fell by the wayside because we got too far behind and we have no hope to catch up. What does all that mean and how does one go about having devotions? There is no shortage of devotional materials in Christian bookstores, or some collection of devotionals by famous pastors or based on some kind of theme. While I think these kinds of things can be good and I’m appreciative these are made available to help Christians wanting to grow; I often wonder if these things don’t stunt spiritual growth more than they do promote spiritual growth. I’ve said on several occasions that if all you read is someone’s devotional guide, you’re not having your devotions, your having someone else’s devotions. I think it would be like sitting down to a gourmet feast and having a host who enjoyed the 7 course meal in front of you, they chew on the delicacies for a while and put them on a plate and pass them around to their guests. They got all the flavor and the nutrients and you got the ground up food. You protest “that is so gross” as the teenagers would say. We’d never dream of doing that with physical food, but we do it with spiritual food all the time. As I look at the walk of many Christians today, I’m not at all surprised we have churches full of malnourished and anemic Christians. Now let me say, “left-over’s”  are not a bad thing and I haven’t become the size I have because I turned down warmed up leftover food! Sometimes though you get tired of the leftovers and you want a hot fresh meal. What I’m saying is if you use a devotional, make sure you focus on the Scriptures the devotional is written about.

I thought I’d share a few thoughts on how I have my personal devotions to help you see some of what I do to keep from getting stale in my spiritual nourishment. For years I used a tool called the “Word of Life Quiet Time Diary” which had a year long passage guide with a journal page for each day that asked two simple questions: (1) What is the writer saying? (2) How can I apply this to my life? There was a space to write a few short sentences about the passage. What was nice about this is it forced me to examine and meditate on a Bible passage on my own without someone else’s thoughts. It provided great accountability because that blank page from yesterday reminded me I missed it. Somewhere along my journey I added a 3rd question: “What did I do about what God told me to do yesterday?” Honestly, I hate that question because it forces me to acknowledge whether I’ve been obedient to the Lord. This simple formula could be applied on your own to any passage of Scripture and you could get a journal and study a Bible book on your own systematically. I also have a Bible I don’t mind marking in and I’ve gained much from taking a “Precepts Inductive Bible Study” course through a Bible book on how to look for common and recurring themes and how to study the Scripture in historical and literary context.

I’ve also learned for me it’s best to set an appointment with God that I keep every day. We set appointments with our Doctor, Dentist, in tax season now with our tax preparer, and we keep those appointments because they are important to us. For me, I want to give God the best part of my time and I’m fresh and more alert early in the morning before the kids get up. It’s me, my Bible, journal, the Lord and a pot of coffee. Rarely do I miss that appointment because it has become a Godly discipline in my life. Some people are more creative and alert late at night when the kids have gone to bed. It matters not as there’s support in the Psalms for both morning & night time devotions. The main point is God has your undivided attention and you can focus on His Word without distractions. No TV, no radio or IPod, no email, Facebook, Twitter, or cell phones. God speaks in the still small voice (1st Kings 19:12) and I think many times there’s too much noise in our lives to hear Him. I’ve read that if you will do something for 21 days straight, it will become a habit. Having a personal quiet time with the Lord is a critical habit to feed your spirit and I know for certain the message you get from me on Sunday is not enough to sustain you all week any more than breakfast on Monday would last all week, even if you ate at Cracker Barrel.

Picking what to study can be overwhelming. I do think somewhere along the way you should read through the Bible from beginning to end to get the big picture. The key I’ve found to success in that is being realistic about your time available. When I first started, I found a 7 day a week reading plan for me was not realistic; especially on Sunday with prayer, last minute sermon review and mad dash for church in full swing. I simply figured out how many pages in the Bible, how many week days I was able to read and divided it out. Voila – I found a way to read through the Bible in about 13 months. I have done this now several times and I’ve applied the same method to read only the New Testament as I did in 2010, I’ve done it with the Old Testament also. In 2011, I’m dissecting the Psalms.  I’ve found this particular method in the Psalms to be rich and rewarding for me. I will also read a chapter in Proverbs which is great because there are 31 chapters and do I ever need the wisdom each day of the month! For a steady diet, it’s better to read smaller portions of Scripture and meditate on it to fully digest it so to speak but be disciplined to cover all the Bible books along the journey. Face up to the fact there will be stuff you just don’t understand. That’s okay – focus on what you do understand and some time the Holy Spirit will open your heart and help you understand those hard passages.

A major part of my devotions is praying and this actually is something that takes place all through the day. I just have a running conversation with the Lord as though I’m talking to my best friend – (and I am) all day long till I pass out at night. We talk about everything, and often pick up a discussion we did not finish. Sometimes He’ll nudge me in the middle of the night and we’ll pick up again. I hope you’ll find some of these ideas helpful to you and you’ll find your personal devotions to be exactly that, personal. You and God, on an exciting journey of love & faith together. I can assure you God will reward your effort as you learn to dig out gold from God’s Word for yourself. Just a little insight on a Pastor’s personal devotions, from my little corner of the world to yours…

Ralph Green

Senior Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church

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