Monday, November 25, 2013
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Better than life...
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
The Bigger Battle…
Sunday, September 1, 2013
VIP Status
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Glimpses of Glory...
Monday, June 3, 2013
That they may be one...
Friday, May 17, 2013
A Failure to Communicate...
For our purposes at Calvary, over the last year working with our Church Council, we’ve been defining team as “a group of people who are united around a common purpose, who work together to achieve common short, medium and long term goals and then develop plans to achieve those goals.”
Let's take a look at a few examples and the difference in results.
Monday, May 6, 2013
A Call to Pray...
Monday, April 22, 2013
Oh Lord Heal Me...
We humans are pretty incredible creatures. We are the only part of God's creation that is made in the image of God. That means we have God's imprint upon us and that God has hard-wired us to seek relationships, primarily a relationship with Him. Many people think the first crisis in the Bible came when sin entered the world in Genesis 3 but that idea is not correct. Now before you call your spouse to say the preacher is a heretic, let me explain. You see even before the fall of man when sin entered the world, there was a major crisis. A problem so great God declared it was not good! I am not saying that God's creation was flawed. God's declaration was not because there was a flaw in His perfect world that He made by speaking it into existence. God did not forget a detail that led to this declaration of something not being good. It was part of God's design and this declaration was for our benefit. In Genesis 2:18, God's declaration went like this: “It is not good for man to be alone; I will make a helper comparable to him.” The crisis was man's aloneness. You see God made us in His image and God is a relational being and so are we. God never intended for man (or woman) to go through life alone.
When sin entered the world, a myriad of problems entered the world including fractured relationships and people end up going through life all alone. It can be that they are married, but emotionally, they are going through life alone. It could be they are members of a church and they go to worship, but emotionally, they are going through life alone. They have children, grandchildren, but somehow there is a disconnection and a part of us where we feel like we're all alone. Often we'll have many acquaintance “friends” but no one we're really connected to and we feel we're all alone. Satan actually likes this condition in man and does all he can to make sure we're isolated so he fights to destroy our relationships with others and ultimately keep us from having a relationship with God. God declared this condition to be “not good.” Of course we know God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to make provision for us to have a relationship with Him through faith. But why do we feel so alone?
The sad part is we know something is broken within us, but we don't what it is. We can be devoted followers of Jesus Christ but we ache with aloneness because no one knows how we feel and it’s hard to be vulnerable and share how we really feel. It's about like how you sense something in your body isn't quite right and you know you are starting to get sick, but you don't know exactly what it is. I believe we never stop to consider it's our aloneness that is causing this condition and why we're broken emotionally - and I think it's safe to say we would agree with God that “it is not good”! Because we don't what to do about this problem, we go “looking for love in all the wrong places.” We try to get satisfaction in all kinds of superficial relationships, fantasies, pursuits, pleasures, activity, technology, accumulating stuff and there is still this major problem of aloneness. We thought our spouse, our kids, our boyfriend or girlfriend or our buddies, would meet this need but they say or do things that bring us heartache and Satan has a field day driving us away from one another. So we recoil into the private world of aloneness and we wonder if anyone cares.
I think this how David felt when he wrote Psalm 6:2 “Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled.” David felt aloneness to the extent that his ache was so deep his bones were troubled by it. But David recognized the only person who had the resources to meet his needs so he asked the Lord to heal him. He even said in vs. 4 of that same chapter “return Oh Lord.” David felt alone.
The other day, I was wiped out. Mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, I was just beat and I collapsed into bed and passed out quickly from fatigue. I woke up around 0230 tossing and turning with much on my heart and mind. I was feeling really alone even though my precious wife was sound asleep in bed next to me. I felt and thought to myself: “Man something is really broken within me.” Since I couldn't sleep, I went and sat on the couch, got out my Bible and just randomly picked out a Psalm to read and ended up in Ps. 6. When I read verse 2, I cried. I thought that's me Lord. That's my prayer to you this morning, “Oh Lord heal me.” I spent the next hour just asking God to fix and heal whatever was broken in me. I asked the Lord who is the Great Physician to diagnose and fix my problem. What a blessing to know we’re not alone! The Lord Jesus wants to rescue you from aloneness and He wants to be your source of healing, no matter who or what has hurt or is hurting you.
Are you hurting today? Are you feeling like you are alone and wondering if anyone cares? I am here to tell you Jesus cares. We all know the shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). I think sometimes we simply look at that as a historical fact of Jesus’ response at the tomb of His friend Lazarus. We don’t think of Jesus as weeping over our hurts today. Maybe something happened to you a long, long time ago that you’ve buried but that ache is deep and you are hurting. As you read this, I want you to picture your Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; with His nail scarred hands open to you, tears streaming down His face on your behalf over your hurt. Will you cry out to Jesus like David: “Oh Lord heal me!” Jesus weeps for your hurts, and He weeps you don’t come to Him to ask for healing. What is keeping you from asking Jesus’ to heal you? You’ll be amazed at what Jesus will do if you ask Him to come along side you and minister to those hurts; but you still have to ask.
Ralph Green
Senior Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church
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Thursday, March 21, 2013
Healing in His wings...
On March 20th 2013, he had his day in open court and he finally plead guilty to the charges against him. The plea bargain agreement is a matter of public record with final sentencing to be May 30th of this year. He will spend time in the State Department of Corrections, followed by probation and a lifetime of restrictions and prohibitions. Quite frankly, while observing the proceedings, I did not get the sense of genuine remorse or sorrow from him. Actually I saw or heard nothing from him that would indicate he has repented for the wake of disaster he has left not only on his own family, his victims and our church family as a whole. I do not claim to have a window to his soul nor do I sit in judgment of his demeanor as only the Lord is accurately able to assess whether he has repented. I can only base my observations of him compared to the myriad of other cases I heard where several people took ownership of what they had done and apologized to the judge and those they hurt for their crimes. In those cases too, only the Lord can tell if they meant what they said.
In any case, I am choosing to forgive him as I have done many times when anger wells up in my soul since this first began; regardless of whether he seeks it or not. I must forgive not only because Jesus commanded it as I’ve been forgiven of so much; but also because it is the only way my soul can be healed from the cancer of bitterness that will take over if I don’t forgive. As the criminal aspect of this tragedy for all practical purposes is now over; I believe the Lord is extending to us the same invitation He has held out since his Holy feet walked the dusty roads and paths of Palestine on His way to the cross to pay for all sin. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28–30 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
For every saint of God who cares deeply for the family of God at Calvary, this has been a heavy burden we’ve all been trying to bear. Yet the Lord invites us to “cast all our cares upon Him because He cares for you” (1st Peter 5:7). I know I’ve not always done a good job of casting this care upon Jesus through this and the reality is I’m probably not alone. Scripture is clear that biting comments and unloving attitudes will never lead to healing. Once again, I want to encourage our church family to heal together and your ministry staff is ready to aid in that healing with pastoral care. If you see your brothers and sisters having a hard time, remember the Romans 12:15 principle: “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.” Take time to care for them and as we do life together, “the Son of Righteousness will arise with healing in his wings” as we lean on the faithful arms of our Savior and depend on His grace, mercy and comfort as He is the God of comfort (2nd Cor. 2:3). However, sometimes in our sadness and sorrow in the face of crises, we struggle to express the emotions and feelings we have verbally in a way that honors the Lord. I’m reminded of Paul’s encouragement to the Ephesian believers: “Let no unwholesome (corrupt) word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.” (Eph. 4:29). The next verse makes it clear unwholesome words grieve the Holy Spirit of God and so we must be cautious in how we express our pain.
Recently in my morning time with the Lord in prayer and studying my Bible; as part of my additional devotional reading, I’ve been reading some of the great hymns of the faith and on the morning of the trial, I read the words to “Higher Ground” which encouraged me & I hope you also:
As we approach Resurrection Sunday, be encouraged my precious church family the Son of Righteousness has in fact risen! He has great plans in store for Calvary and wants to bring healing, unity, purpose and direction for us if we’ll seek His face. Let us begin a new chapter and move on to higher ground together; encouraging and exhorting one another toward holy and righteous living and to make an impact for His Kingdom. I am thankful God’s mercies are new every morning and His faithfulness is so great it knows no limits. I love you and thank God for you, from my little corner of the world to yours…
Ralph Green
Senior Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church
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Thursday, February 21, 2013
The desires of your heart.
As a youngster growing up in a Pastor’s home and being in church all my life, I’ve heard people talk about what they call “their life verse.” What they mean is they have claimed a particularly meaningful verse that expresses how they want to live their life. I’m not sure when I exactly adopted my life verse but it has been encouraging me for at least 35 years. Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” What a blessing to see the truth of that verse bear fruit in my life. Putting God first and loving Him with everything I have and the desires He has implanted in me, from a career in law enforcement, to a career in business and now the passionate desire to serve Him as a pastor of a local church. Desire is a synonym for passion, a craving, an appetite, what you love to do. There is great joy in doing what you were created by God to do.
A few weeks ago in a message I preached called “A Pastor’s Prayer” from 2nd Thessalonians 3:5, I asked the audience gathered to close their eyes for a minute and I said: “Imagine quickly, if time and money was not an object, out of your pure love for God, if you could do anything for God’s Kingdom, what would it be?” Maybe you had a little glimmer of that vision, desire, or passion in answer to that question but in the hustle and bustle of life after church from that day you’ve not thought much about it further. So let me ask you to prayerfully revisit the answer to that question for your life. I also said that day I wanted you to be free to pursue your passion and that one thing you’d love to do even if at the moment you find yourself serving in a way that is not exactly your passion. The reality is as long as you are serving in a place you aren’t passionate about; someone else isn’t pursuing their passion because you have that spot.
Obviously, there needs to be an orderly transition for you especially if you’re in a leadership role but let us know you’re not passionate about that ministry so we can let people know of the opportunity. Last week at our monthly Church Council meeting, we discussed this very concept asking the question “What is My Passion?” We identified 5 Biblical Functions of the Church as being:
1. Outreach (Evangelism)
2. Discipleship (Edification)
3. Service/Ministry (Equipping)
4. Fellowship (Encouragement)
5. Worship (Exaltation)
Each of these 5 functions can be used to advance our church’s purposes. So the question then is “Where do I fit in”? To help you determine the answer for how God has wired you to serve Him out of your love relationship together; ask yourself these kinds of questions: 1) Which area of church life am I most passionate about? 2) How am I currently pursuing those passions? 3) If I could serve one way at Calvary that I knew would not fail, what it be?
I want to encourage you to think, meditate and pray on these areas of function for the church and ask the Holy Spirit to show you where your passions lie. In many cases the Lord has already equipped and gifted you in a way that you are already passionate about; but that’s not always the case or you may not know He’s gifted you that way. When you sense you’ve identified your passion, let me, Pastor Mike or Pastor Ken know about that so we can help you get connected to serving in an ministry area you are passionate about. Then what I’d say to you is what Paul wrote to the Colossian believers in 3:23 “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,”
Can you imagine what would take place if every believer connected to Calvary Baptist Church was able to pursue their God-given passions to further God’s Kingdom? Picture the tremendous impact on a church, a community, a state, a nation and a world when God’s people pursued the desires of their heart out of their love for Christ! One word: AWESOME!
Okay, at this point you might be waiting for me to give you list of possible passions in church – but I’m not going to! Why? Because I’m not the Holy Spirit and I don’t know what the Holy Spirit is prompting you to pursue out of your passion for Jesus. What I do know is that it will be exactly what this body of believers needs and we’re going to love the result. I also want you to be able to “think outside the box” on this so this doesn’t have to be some pursuit you currently see or have seen in church life. However, I will tell you that our Church Council and staff are working on a document that will list the many ways currently available for you to serve in and through Calvary. Obviously for us to help you pursue your passion as a church, it needs to align with one of those Biblical functions for the church listed above but that is the only limit. If you’re not sure how your passion fits, that is where Pastor Mike, Pastor Ken or I can help guide you; so talk to us about “the desires of your heart.”
Looking forward to seeing the “desires of your heart” in action, from my little corner of the world to yours…
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Back to basics...
Over the last couple of weeks on Sunday mornings, I have been sharing what has been identified by David Ferguson as 10 Vital Relationship Needs. These needs are clearly identified in Scripture and the wonderful thing is that God has provided the body of Christ to be vessels that can uniquely minister to these vital needs every human has. However, before we can effectively minister to and meet these needs in other people’s lives; we must allow our Heavenly Father to meet these needs in our own lives. Our vertical relationship with God is of prime importance as Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). Jesus went on to say that the 2nd greatest commandment is akin to the first; “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31). This speaks to the horizontal relationships all around us. Jesus said “There is no greater commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:31). It’s interesting Jesus didn’t say “commandments” plural, He said “commandment” meaning in His mind, these commandments go hand in hand and are really one. Loving God with everything means you’ll love your neighbor as yourself. These two simple concepts, loving God with everything you have and loving others as you love yourself is what I mean by “back to basics.”
Just to quickly recap those 10 vital relationship needs and so you'll have them in print for reference; here they are with the appropriate Scripture references:
- Comfort - 2nd Cor. 1:3-4 - Giving strength & hope, easing grief or pain through empathy.
- Attention (Care) - 1st Cor.12:25 - Taking thought of another and conveying appropriate interest & concern; entering into another's world.
- Acceptance - Romans 15:7 - Receiving someone as they are, meeting them at the point of their need regardless of appearance & including them.
- Appreciation - 1st Cor. 11:2 - Recognizing with gratitude, communicating personal gratefulness for another person.
- Support - Galatians 6:2 - Coming alongside and helping to carry a problem or struggle.
- Encouragement - 1st Thess.5:11 - Urging forward and positively persuading toward a goal, inspiring with courage, spirit or hope.
- Affection - 1st Thess. 2:8 - Communicating care and closeness through appropriate physical touch or affirming words.
- Respect - 1 Peter 2:17 - Valuing & regarding highly; conveying great worth, esteeming or honoring another.
- Security - 1st John 4:18 - Freedom from harm, danger and fear, promoting confidence within relationships.
- Approval - Romans 14:18 - Affirming as satisfactory; expressing a favorable opinion of another.
I believe part of what God wants to do here at Calvary is use our church family to minister to these critical needs that everyone has, whether they are church members or someone we encounter in our daily lives, in our families, workplaces, classrooms, or among our friends. Really all it takes to meet these needs in another's life is to just care; care enough to stop, listen intently to the person, notice their body language or facial expressions and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting to engage this person. The problem is that sometimes we're just overloaded with our own issues so it’s hard to focus intently on others. After the first week I shared the first five of these needs, a member told me “Pastor this is really good and important stuff we need to hear, I think the problem is people really just don't care anymore!” This gentleman was not being unkind, he was just stating out loud a silent reality from his perspective. I know that many people do care and they demonstrate that love of God and love of others each day. Everyone of us can make a huge difference in somebody's life if we would pay attention to the people around us we encounter every day.
Even in such a mundane task as going to the grocery store, you could pray “Lord, somebody important to You will touch my life today. Who will be that person? Please don't let me fail to be in touch with You and allow Your love to be released through me.” If you have the courage to pray that simple prayer, you'll be astounded at the simple opportunities God gives you to be a conduit of His love to a hurting person. I know it's scary. After all, getting involved in somebody's life can be a bit messy...okay, it can be a lot messy! But even the most sincere “I'm so sad you're having a bad day” or similar statement to someone may help them to know the Father's love. You can try this out in a restaurant with your waitress for serving you, or tell the bus-boy cleaning tables on your way by him how much you appreciate him serving you by doing his job! I promise you you'll make that persons day! I can almost guarantee you'll be the only person who'll do that for them.
It doesn't seem that hard does it? A simple expression of thanks to a waitress or bus-boy meets a vital need they have of appreciation or encouragement. I've told the ticket taker at the movie theater “thanks for working today so I can enjoy a night out with my family.” Instantly a smile breaks across that person's face because some old guy with gray hair showed them personal appreciation! Be inventive and creative as to how you could minister the love of God to people outside & inside the church.
If you're willing to do this to perfect strangers, how much more should we be doing this in our families? “Honey, that meal you made tonight was delicious.” “Sweetie, thanks for doing the laundry so when I opened my closet this morning, I had my choice of clothes to wear.” Watch what happens as your family expresses love and appreciation for each other. “Son, thanks for taking out the trash without me having to ask you.” Tell your kids you are proud of them often and watch what happens - even more so when you get specific and you are proud of little things they do & even more just for who they are: “Did you know you bring me and your mom such incredible joy and we thank God you're our child.”
Getting back to the basics, loving God and loving others will absolutely transform your walk with Christ. Let me encourage you to look at these needs and simply ask the Lord to meet these needs in your own life. You'll find that if you ask Him to meet this need for you, He'll be faithful to do so and that in turn will help you be sensitive to this need in someone else's life. Love God first with all you have and allow Him to meet these vital needs in your own life, then out of the over flowing love received from Jesus Himself, you'll be able to pour into the lives of others. Let me encourage you to try it this week and take note of what God does in your life and in the lives of others around you.
I'm getting back to the basics, from my little corner of the world to yours...
Ralph Green
Senior Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church
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Thursday, January 17, 2013
An interesting place...
Several years ago, Cheryl and I had the opportunity to travel out west together for a training class I was attending. We structured our time to be able to sight see after my training and we made a trip to the Hoover Dam which is a quite impressive structure. We saw the inner workings of the hydroelectric plant and I’ll not forget walking along the bottom of the dam and looking up at that wall of concrete holding back the waters of the Colorado River that has produced Lake Mead. In the middle of that dam, there is a fat white line painted on the concrete. That white line marks the border of Arizona and Nevada and I like most tourists who travel to that spot, had to get a picture of myself straddling that line allowing me to stand in two states at one time.
In a similar way at the beginning of 2013, I believe we find ourselves in an interesting place in that we straddle two years at once. It is the unique time of year when can reflect on what transpired in 2012 and also look forward to what is coming 2013. Last year we had some wonderful opportunities for ministry and labor for the Kingdom of God. Our church family was faithful in their tithes and offerings and even in a horrible economy you proved that God’s financial program for funding His Kingdom business cannot be improved upon and is recession proof. We engaged in several mission trips out of country and also here in the United States. Seeing first hand God’s work and being a part of that work last year through the eyes of those mission trip participants as you shared with us what the Lord did in and through you causes us to rejoice. We all as a church participated in those trips through prayer and through financial support as members of this church body. We engaged in what we called our “Super Summer of Service” where we took ministry beyond the walls with various servant evangelism projects that included feeding parking meters downtown or giving out water and ice cream in Shamrock park.
We saw a number of decisions for Christ and public declarations of those decisions in believer’s baptism, as well as many new additions to our church family and each week a number of new guests coming to Calvary. Invariably when meeting guests, I learn that they have a relationship with one of you and you invited them to come. We also experienced much pain together for a variety of reasons with many of you loosing loved ones in death, illness or tragedy. Just yesterday I was signing letters being mailed to folks who are going to mark the 1st anniversary of a loved one’s passing and I marveled reading those letters a year has passed since your loved one has passed. I mourn with you in the reality that year has already passed since your loss. I mourn with you who’ve lost loved ones very recently and the void and sorrow you are experiencing.
We concluded 2012 with a wonderful celebration of Advent and I don’t know about you but I thoroughly enjoyed how we rekindled the season of Advent with a special focus each week. The music of the season warmed my soul in worship and I was blessed beyond measure with our music ministry’s Christmas presentation. Our Christmas Eve service was wonderfully special and dreams of a white Christmas became reality as the snow fell during our services! With a marvelous crescendo of joy, I got the 2nd best Christmas present I’ve ever been given as a pastor, our Lottie Moon Christmas offering for international missions was nearly $46,000.00, almost $16,000.00 over our goal! The gift of sharing God’s love on the mission field through this offering to support our IMB personnel is 2nd because Jesus is the greatest gift I’ve received. I have spent much time rejoicing at this wonderful offering total because I know the impact this makes for God’s Kingdom! I am so proud of you as you continue to demonstrate your heart for the world.
2013 is on us and we’re off to a tremendous start kicking off our Wednesday Small Groups, Choir and Awana ministry in full swing once again. Our building was teaming with people this past Wednesday night! It thrills my soul to see God’s church gathering together and deepening their relationships with Christ and one another. By the time you read this issue of the Way, I’ll have shared my “State of the Church” message celebrating last year’s ministries but casting a vision for what God wants to do in 2013. I see great opportunities that abound as our ministry teams have been laying a foundation of clarifying their purposes, goals and the plans to achieve those goals and maximize our impact for the glory of God. There are numerous opportunities to make a difference for the Kingdom and invest to in people’s lives. We’ll go on mission at home and abroad, across the state or right in our own neighborhoods.
Through prayer and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I know that while we will continue to serve and minister, we must take time and be intentional to care for our own souls. I believe 2013 is to be a year of healing for our church family as we have lost much and experienced much pain and sorrow personally in our families and corporately as a church. That healing process has begun through the study I’m facilitating on emotional fitness. Malachi 4:2 promises: “But to you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings and you shall go out like stall-fed calves.” We know this prophecy is talking about the Lord Jesus and it is interesting to me the prophet said Jesus is the “Sun of Righteousness”, not the “Son of Righteous”. Jesus would proclaim He is the Light of the World and that those who follow Him shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life (John 8:12). Jesus is shining brightly on Calvary Baptist Church. He has risen with healing in His wings and He beckons us to follow Him on a grand adventure with Him this year. Through our “followship” of Him and fellowship with Him and each other, He will expand His Kingdom and bring glory to Himself. He will also do an amazing work in each of our lives and in the life of our church family. The slate is blank, the adventure awaits, we’re in an interesting place as the Sun of Righteousness is saying “Follow Me.” He is inviting us to “press on” with Him because He knows the plans He has for us and the healing He has in store for us as we do life together. He stands at the gate of 2013 and asks “do you want to be made well (John 5:6)?” How will you respond to your Savior’s call this year?
On the 1st Sunday of January, I happily began my 5th year serving as your senior Pastor. As your under-shepherd, my prayer is at the conclusion of 2013, we’ll be rejoicing together of the healing we’ve received from our Savior Jesus Christ and we’ll be singing “To God be the glory great things He has done.” I’m looking forward to our adventure together, from my little corner of the world to yours…
Ralph Green
Senior Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church
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