This past Monday, I had a great time with the Lord in my
personal quiet time. I was reading Psalm 61:1-3 and the Lord showed me 3
lessons in that little text that were of great encouragement to me and I pray
they will be for you as well. The context of Ps.63 is given in the title of the
Psalm: “A Psalm of David when he was in
the wilderness of Judah”. One needs to look to 1st Samuel 22 to
learn that David was the number one guy on King Saul’s wanted terrorist list.
Of course David was not a terrorist but insecure Saul knew David had been
anointed King of Israel and was determined to kill him. The Bible tells us Saul
was infuriated that the priests in a village out in the wilderness had helped
David so Saul sent troops to that village and murdered those priests! So David
is hiding in the wilderness in fear of his life and writes the words to this
marvelous Psalm.
Lesson 2 comes
from verse. 2: “So I have looked for you
in the sanctuary, to see your power and glory.” David was nowhere near the
sanctuary/tabernacle in the capital where Saul ruled. He couldn’t go there
because he’d be killed immediately and we’ve already been told David is in the
desert. The lesson we learn is that just like David, in the midst of a
wilderness of whatever size, shape or proportion we find ourselves in, we can
find sanctuary with Almighty God and we can choose to look for God’s power and
glory on display. When our back is to
the wall like David’s was and everything has spiraled out of control and there
is nothing we can do, that is prime time God time! That old
Christian saying God doesn’t give us more than we can handle is false! God
constantly gives us more than we can handle so we must depend on Him and Him
alone and not on our resources or ingenuity. In your wilderness, find sanctuary
in your Heavenly Father’s arms (Ps.91:1-2), and then watch for God’s power and
glory to be displayed.
Lesson 3 comes of
course from verse 3: “Because your
loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise you.” Really
David? God’s loving-kindness is better to you than your very life that King
Saul is bent on snuffing out like a cheap candle? I keyed in on that word
“loving-kindness” and began to study it. It is the Hebrew word “Chesed” and it
is translated in various English words including “steadfast love”, “faithfulness”,
“favor”, “loyalty”, “mercy”, “kindness and even “merciful kindness.” In the Old
Testament, that word shows up in these forms some 245 times!
For example, this was the terminology the Lord used in
giving Moses the 10 Commandments in Ex. 20:4-6 explaining why we cannot worship
idols as He is a jealous God “but
showing mercy (chesed) to thousands, to those
who love Me and keep my commandments.”
It was the preferred term used to
describe God’s “steadfast love” or covenant love for Israel as in Jeremiah 31:3
where God said He loved them “with an
everlasting love and with loving-kindness (chesed) He
drew them out”. It was on the basis of God’s loving-kindness, the Prophets
appealed to God’s people to repent as in Joel
2:13 “So rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger,
and of great kindness (chesed); and He relents
from doing harm.”
Finally, I found it was this word
David used to close Psalm 23:6 “Surely
goodness and mercy (chesed) shall follow me all
the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
By the time I finished my quiet
time, there were tears streaming down my cheeks as sat in my living room in the
wee hours Monday morning in the warm glow of my Heavenly Father’s “chesed” –
His steadfast love or loving-kindness for an old sinner named Ralph Green. The
lesson is simple – God’s loving-kindness, His chesed is in fact better than
life so like David in vs. 3 “my lips
shall praise you.”
When we try to fill in the blank
where the word “life” is there in verse three with anything other than God and
His loving kindness, it does not work. “Your
loving-kindness is better than ___” – my wife, my kids, my job, my
resources, my toys, my passions and pleasures – none of those things we tend to
build our lives upon work and provide for us what God does with His presence
and essence of character. When we find ourselves in the wilderness, let us
remember and be encouraged like David; “Your
loving-kindness is better than life!”
Three lessons of encouragement, from my little corner of the wilderness
to yours…